
MostDouble-bandedPloversbreedoninlandriverbeds,andthesebirdstendtomigratetoAustralia.Othersnestoncoastallagoonsandestuaries,andsome ...,Smallmigratoryplover.WidespreadinNewZealandbreedingonbraidedriversonboththeNorthandSouthIslands.Muchofthepopulationmigratesto ...,Thereisanestimatedpopulationof50,000Double-bandedploversinNewZealandandabouthalfarethoughttomigrate.Muchhasbeenlearnedovertheyears...

Charadrius bicinctus — Double

Most Double-banded Plovers breed on inland riverbeds, and these birds tend to migrate to Australia. Others nest on coastal lagoons and estuaries, and some ...


Small migratory plover. Widespread in New Zealand breeding on braided rivers on both the North and South Islands. Much of the population migrates to ...

The Double

There is an estimated population of 50,000 Double-banded plovers in New Zealand and about half are thought to migrate. Much has been learned over the years ...

Double trouble for the Double

2021年3月9日 — Instead of migrating to Australia for their summer, flying south each year from breeding grounds in the Northern Hemisphere, it is unique in ...


The Double-banded Plover is the only migratory bird visiting Australia that breeds in New Zealand. All the others breed in the Northern Hemisphere. ... Loud far- ...

The status of the Double

由 A Lindsey 著作 — A proportion of the population of Double-banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus migrate to southern and eastern Australia during the non-breeding season, ...